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Want to know more about my work? That's great!

Each pin is inspired by a meeting. Sometimes the meetings are brief (like when I stumbled on a couple of wild reindeer in Børgefjell) or continue for a long time - like growing the plants in my garden.

Being an artist means I can make the most of that meeting and condense it into a design.

When a design is done the fun begins - we make it into a mold and start casting pins.

It all takes place in a small family owned workshop in Poland, where each pin is neatly scrubbed, gold plated and hand-enameled. I like how many times it passes through the skilled hands of craftsmen and craftswomen before it reaches You.

In a good and adventurous year I make up to 30 designs. At this rate I will be able to portray all known living plants and animals in 30,000 years so keep your fingers crossed!

Take a look! Those are 3 pins from my first collection - it was out in 2017, the year I also became a mom

I have been lucky to meet and portray almost 200 species - from fellow household insects to my beloved wolves (we have the privilege to spot them regularly as a wolf family roams the forest we live in). I’m quite proud of the diversity of the designs You can choose from - including birds, insects, amphibians, fish, mammals, worms, plants and fungi. 
The beauty is always there - in the woods, in the mountains, by the rivers and in our gardens. The wild is even closer than we think, as we will never tame the green lacewings in our apartments or keep the seagulls from, well, just being seagulls on our city squares.

But as we are often stranded from our paths in nature, we need little tokens of our devotion to the world out there.

That's when an artist that lives in the woods in Poland comes in handy.

I provide wearable illustrations of our life in nature - the past, the present and the future meetings out there.

There it is - the story of my work and wearable illustrations.

If You are looking for a gift it means that You are lucky to have a friend or a family member that values that special bond we share with nature.

If You are treating yourself You not only have great taste - You probably like the idea that even if we don't see any animals in the forest, they can see us.
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